
Business Administration

Overseas Chinese students 僑生暨港澳生

Overseas Chinese students 僑生暨港澳生

OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 線上申請:http://exam.thu.edu.tw/EXAM/53_index2.htm 、 http://exam.thu.edu.tw/EXAM/54_index2.htm 請直接至線上報名系統填寫申請表
Foreign Students 外國學位生

Foreign Students 外國學位生

OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 線上申請:(http://exam.thu.edu.tw/) 請直接至線上報名系統填寫申請表,列印相關表件並簽名上傳系統,各項所需文件亦直接上傳系統即可,不需要再郵寄紙本到東海大學,每位申請者至多可申請兩個志願系所 申請時間表 項
Mainland China Students 大陸地區學生

Mainland China Students 大陸地區學生

OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 歡迎來到東海大學!東海大學創立於西元1955年,至今創校60餘年,為臺灣的第一所私立大學,也是全國首創且唯一一所從幼稚園、小學、中學、大學到研究所博士班兼備的完整教育學苑,亦最早創辦「通識教育」、「勞作教育」制度,目前已成為各大學觀
Introduction to the Department of Business Administration of Tunghai University: In response to industry trends and market needs, two distinctive groups, the 'Marketing and Digital Operations Group' and the 'Service Innovation and Entrepreneurship Group' have been planned. The Department of Business Management of Tunghai University allows students to be more employable after graduation. Market direct link. It provides many opportunities for industry-university cooperation, arranges case teaching and cross-field course learning, and also provides students with opportunities for corporate internships. The first business management research institute in central China, with more than 10,000 faculty members, the Department of Business Management of Tunghai University provides an international learning environment: establishing short-term study and dual degree systems.