
Business Administration

Introduction & Overview

Introduction & Overview

An Introduction to Tunghai Department of Business Administration   The Tunghai Department of Business Administration was founded in 1973. The de


 Mission To cultivate skilled business professionals, who will raise Taiwan’s managerial and business level to the high standard required b
Students Prospect

Students Prospect

The career development directions of graduates of this department are rich and diverse, including further studies, public affairs, and professional p
LOGO recognition

LOGO recognition

The pattern of the emblem is the letter BA using the English abbreviation of enterprise management, which is combined with the left side of Lu Siyi C
Contact Us

Contact Us

Office Hours 08:00-12:00 & 13:30-17:00, Mondays to Fridays Location The Department of Business Administration is located in the second campus of
Introduction to the Department of Business Administration of Tunghai University: In response to industry trends and market needs, two distinctive groups, the 'Marketing and Digital Operations Group' and the 'Service Innovation and Entrepreneurship Group' have been planned. The Department of Business Management of Tunghai University allows students to be more employable after graduation. Market direct link. It provides many opportunities for industry-university cooperation, arranges case teaching and cross-field course learning, and also provides students with opportunities for corporate internships. The first business management research institute in central China, with more than 10,000 faculty members, the Department of Business Management of Tunghai University provides an international learning environment: establishing short-term study and dual degree systems.